How to Create YouTube Ads Campaign?

Let’s Connect to Know How to Create YouTube Ads Campaign?

How to Create YouTube Ads Campaign

When we think of digital marketing, content plays a vital role but when we think of content, video content is extremely effective. But when we think of video content promotion, YouTube wins over any other video ad platforms. YouTube Ads alone has over 2 billion users, who watch a billion hours of video every day, resulting in billions of views. That’s a lot of ‘billions,’ to say the least. Furthermore, YouTube on mobile alone reaches more 18-49 year-olds in the United States than any cable network. It’s no surprise, then, that video marketing is becoming more popular. Do you want to know how to advertise on YouTube? Are you looking for a step-by-step guide to launching a YouTube advertising campaign?

Being a Performance Marketing Agency, we’ll like you to learn about how to set up and optimize a YouTube ad campaign in this blog.

What are YouTube Ads?

YouTube advertising, which is done through Google Ads, is a way of promoting your video content on YouTube or in search results to reach a larger audience. This could be as simple as your video playing before a user watches another video or as simple as your video appearing in YouTube search results for people to watch in full.

YouTube Ads has a vast reach and makes it easy for people to choose your business. Grow your business with the help of Top Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore on YouTube Ads. Reach potential customers where they’re watching. Be Seen On YouTube. Attract New Customers. Reach the Right Customers.

How Many Types of YouTube Ads are?

There are six types of youtube ads-

  1. TrueView ads
  2. Non-skippable instream ads
  3. Bumper instream ads
  4. Sponsored card ads
  5. Overlay ads
  6. Display ads

Step by Step Process about How to Create YouTube Ads Campaign?

You’ll need to make your video or image, as well as the appropriate ad copy, if you haven’t already.

Check out the YouTube ads leaderboard for ideas on how to make a compelling YouTube video ad. Every month, YouTube compiles a list of the best YouTube advertisements from all over the world.

Collaborate with Adsthrive, No. 1 Youtube Ads Agency in Bangalore for an attention grabbing creative youtube ad to make the best, for your brand to reach great heights.

Step 1: Set up youtube advertising

Managing YouTube ads has never been easier thanks to the newly redesigned Google Ads interface. Many YouTube ad features will be familiar to you if you’ve used Google or Facebook ads before.

The steps to running YouTube ads for your business are outlined below.

Link google Adwords to your youtube channel

The first step is to link your YouTube channel to your Google Ads account.

Log into your Google Ads account (or My Client Center if you’re an agency) to get started. Then, at the top of the page, click Tools and then Linked Accounts from the Setup Column.

To add your YouTube channel, simply follow the prompts. The linking will take place automatically if you are the account owner. If the account is owned by someone else, you must enter the owner’s email address and request access.

To link your Google Analytics account, follow the same steps. For campaign analytics and retargeting, you’ll need access to it.

Upload your video ad to youtube

You must first upload a video to YouTube before using it in a YouTube ad campaign. The video’s quality and your ability to immediately capture the viewer’s attention are critical to its success. Concentrate on making an impression in the first five seconds.

Step 2: Choose a youtube advertising campaign objective

The following step is to design your campaign. On the Campaigns tab of your Google Ads dashboard, click the + button and select New Campaign.

There are several campaign types available on YouTube, which determine the types of ads you can run, the placements available, and more. Choose one of the following options for your YouTube video ad, depending on your overall campaign goal:

The best options for driving traffic and generating conversions from your YouTube ads are Leads and Website Traffic.

Product and Brand Consideration gives you the chance to raise brand awareness and get your products in front of a large audience, including influencers.

Hire the Top Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore to carry out your youtube ad campaign strategically.

Brand Awareness and Reach is a type of advertising that is commonly used to generate brand awareness and includes more ad types.

After you’ve chosen a campaign objective, you’ll see a list of campaign types that are appropriate for that objective. Choose Video as the campaign’s format. Click Continue when you’re finished.

You’ll need to set up conversion tracking if you want to track conversions. The steps to take can be found on this Google Ads support page.

Step 3: Choose a youtube ad format

The YouTube ad formats available to you are determined by the goal of your campaign and the length of your video ad. The most commonly used formats are listed below.

TrueView Ads

Because this is the most common advertising format on YouTube, we’ll go over it in greater detail than the others.

TrueView ads provide the most control over the advertisements that are shown to them. As a result, eight out of ten viewers prefer TrueView to other in-stream video ad formats, according to Google.

TrueView ads, on the other hand, are excellent for businesses.

TrueView ads are only paid for when users watch for at least 30 seconds, watch an entire short video, or interact with the ad in some way, such as clicking on a call-to-action button.

TrueView discovery ads appear on the YouTube search results page, next to related videos (instead of in-stream), and on the YouTube mobile homepage. You’ll be charged every time someone clicks on the thumbnail, no matter how long they watch the video.

These ads are excellent for encouraging product consideration through a clear call to action. Longer headlines (up to 100 characters) and two lines of ad descriptions are allowed in Discovery ads.

Non skippable In-stream ads

Non-skippable in-stream ads are very similar to TrueView in-stream ads, with the exception that viewers can’t skip them. These ads aren’t considered “TrueView” because viewers have less control over them.

Non-skippable advertisements are well-known to be unpopular.

Last year, YouTube killed the 30-second non-skippable ad format. Non-skippable advertisements must now last between 15 and 20 seconds.

In-stream ads that can’t be skipped aren’t just shown before videos.

Non-skippable YouTube ads that play partway through videos that are 10 minutes or longer are referred to as “mid-roll” non-skippable YouTube ads.

Advertisers pay a CPM for non-skippable YouTube ads, unlike TrueView ads. Advertisers pay a fee per thousand views, which is referred to as cost-per-mille.

Bumper Ads

The third type of YouTube video ad available to marketers is bumper YouTube ads. These non-skippable video ads must be less than 6 seconds long and appear before the viewer’s chosen video.

Advertisers pay for bumper ads on a CPM basis, similar to non-skippable YouTube ads.

They’re frequently used as part of a larger YouTube advertising campaign that includes other ad formats.

STEP 4: Set a budget, schedule, and bid strategy

After you’ve decided on an ad format, give your campaign a name, a budget, and a start and end date.

YouTube advertising is much less expensive than you might think. Some campaigns can even cost as little as $0.02 per view. However, because bids have a direct impact on the success of your campaigns, you must get the bidding strategy right.

Bids and strategies come in a variety of shapes and sizes. To get the best results, choose one of the following two strategies:

  • Maximum CPV: With TrueView ads, maximum CPV tells YouTube how much you want to pay for each view of your ad. It determines the maximum you’re willing to pay for users to click on your discovery ad. It could mean the difference between your ad appearing or not appearing in some cases. It also determines your ad’s position in comparison to other ads for discovery ads.
  • Target CPV: The average you’re willing to pay for conversions is your target CPV. You may pay slightly more or less per conversion, but your daily averages will not exceed your average.

The Maximize Conversions option may also appear for some campaign types. This option is similar to automatic bidding in that it allows you to have less control over your action results.

To get the best strategy for your brand audience reach us at Adsthrive, Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, India

Step 5: Control where your ads will be shown

Following that, you’ll see three options for controlling where your YouTube ads will appear.


Select one of the following networks to determine where your YouTube ads will appear:

YouTube search results: Only if you’re running discovery ads can you use this option. For all other types of ads, uncheck this option.

YouTube Videos: For the majority of your ads, this is the best option in terms of price and quality.

Video partners on the display networks: If you want to run YouTube ads on partner sites that aren’t on YouTube, choose this option. While it may save you money, it is also likely to reduce the quality of your work.

You can also select which locations and languages you want to target under Networks.

Choose an Inventory type:

This section allows you to only display ads on content that is relevant to your brand.

If you’re a dropshipping company selling children’s toys, for example, you won’t want your ads to appear next to violent or sexual content.

It’s worth going over each option to make sure your ads aren’t being displayed on inappropriate content.

Exclude content

This section goes a step further by allowing you to opt-out of specific categories of sensitive content, such as “Tragedy and conflict” and “Sensitive social issues.”

Again, don’t skip this step — it could spell disaster for your brand!

Excluded types and labels

You can also exclude certain types of labels on YouTube. You might want to avoid live-streaming videos, for example, because they happen in real-time and are difficult to categorize. Some of these broadcasts may contain graphic content that is unsuitable for your company. When considering your exclusion options, err on the side of caution.

Step 6: Define the target audience for your youtube campaign

The audience targeting options on YouTube are quite extensive. Additionally, data from Google Search and partners is supplemented by data from YouTube. YouTube advertising is extremely effective as a result of this combination.

Every parameter you add to your campaign is a filter, so keep that in mind. While the quality of the audience you can reach is improved by restrictions, the more audience filters you add, the higher your cost per view (CPV) will be. If you’re just getting started with YouTube advertising, resist the urge to use too many filters in one ad group.

Contact the experts in the field at Adsthrive, No.1 Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore to know what exactly needs to be done for your brands target audience and how to increase the reach.

Instead, begin by determining what motivates users at each stage of the purchasing process, and then create highly targeted ads for each group of people.

You can segment your audience using a variety of methods, including demographic, interest, and behaviour targeting.

Step 7:  Refine Your Ad Visibility With Keywords, Topics, and Placement

After you’ve defined your target audience, you can narrow your reach by selecting one of these three options. Adsthrive the Best SEO Agency in Bangalore helps you discover relevant keywords for your business. 

Choose Relevant Keywords

Put aside everything you’ve learned about keywords and topics. You’re looking for keywords that appear in YouTube videos where your ads will appear, not keywords that people are searching for.

YouTube will look for keywords in the video’s titles, tags, and descriptions, compare them to the keywords you’ve chosen, and place your ads in the most relevant content.

Enter your own URL, similar URLs, or even your competitor’s website address into the Get Keyword Ideas box to get keyword ideas.

Select relevant topics

A similar approach works for topics. If you choose the Marketing topic, for example, your ad will appear in other marketing-related videos.

Keep in mind that topics are less specific or flexible than keywords. Use these for broader awareness campaigns that match your category.

Increasing your brand awareness will increase organic results for your website, as users start to research more about your brand after seeing the brand on ads. To maximize the effect of organic growth is to optimize your website with search engine optimization correctly. Choose the Best Video Ad Agency in Bangalore to optimize your brand visibility.

Choose placement targeting

YouTube placements are one of YouTube advertising’s underappreciated gems, allowing you to hyper-target your videos.

You have complete control over which channel (or even which video) your ads appear on.

Assume you want to market your products or services to aspiring entrepreneurs. You can reach the audience looking for early-stage advice by selecting as a channel under Placements.

You can also create a video ad that highlights your specific value and insert it into videos on your competitor’s YouTube channel if you have an offer that rivals one of your biggest competitors.

You can even target your ads to a specific video. You could target emerging entrepreneurs who are starting an eCommerce business by placing ads on top eCommerce videos. Keep in mind that the more precise your targeting, the higher your CPV will be because inventory will be limited.

Step 8: Set a bid amount for your campaign

If you chose Maximum CPV as your bidding strategy, be careful not to set your bid too low, or your ad might not run at all. Analyze the historical data and estimated average CPV for your campaign to determine the maximum CPV to use.

Analyze the historical data and estimated average CPV for your campaign to determine the maximum CPV to use.

Your ad’s performance will improve as your Maximum CPV rises. Set your Maximum CPV to 3–5x the average to get your ads to show up higher at the start of the campaign. Set your maximum CPM at least at $1.50 if the average CPV is $0.02–0.32, and adjust it once you have the real data.

The higher your bid if you used a Target CPV bid strategy, the better your performance.

Step 9: Select the Video for Your YouTube Ad

The final step is to select the video that will serve as your advertisement. To find your video, either use the search box or paste the URL from YouTube. Because several videos on your YouTube channel may appear to be the same, copying the exact URL will take you to the correct video.


YouTube is a rapidly expanding advertising platform that can produce excellent results at a low cost. The success of your campaigns is determined by a variety of factors. You must understand campaign set up best practices and experiment with different audiences and campaign sequences in addition to creating great ads.

In order to read such informative blogs, stay tuned with us at Adsthrive, No.1 Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore, reach out to us to get your YouTube ads done hassle free and surpass your expectations with the campaign.